Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Racism in America Essay

Reconstruction By: 9/9/2013 1. Columbian historian Eric Foner (1983) quotes W. E. B. Dubois in calling reconstruction a â€Å"splendid failure (p.16).† After studying the events of late 19th century, defend whether or not you agree with his position. What are the long-term implications? In my opinion the one of the largest mistakes that was made was the amount of racism that still continued in America. Still to this day there is a large amount of racism in America, the only difference is it is not just between white and blacks. When it comes to racism for some reason it seems all races and all people can’t just get along. Growing up in the south I have seen this first hand. The problem is now if there is any kinds of disagreement between races it is blown way out of proportion. A small example would be the Travon Martin case. This case should of not had half of the publicity it did, but because it was a crime that was white on black people took it as a hate crime. The problem in my opinion is it w as not even white on black and half of America still seems to think it was. When people get something in there heads they are going to put their own â€Å"twist† on what they think happened and it will cause things to get out of hand. I believe the Emancipation Proclamation was intended to be the right step in fixing a problem. The problem still existed because even when it comes to law officials there is racism to this day. I have seen police officers that treat people that are not the same race as them differently because that is the way they were raised. That to me is something that is unacceptable, if you are a police officer or a person in a similar position and they still are using race to make decisions it creates more problems in the first place. On the other side some people attempt to use their race to benefit themselves because they are a minority. I went to school with a young African American that was picked on because of the color of his skin, he was new to our school and was moved into our school because his school was flooded when a hurricane came and flooded his school. Some students saw a chance to pick on someone because they were different, they talk, look, and act different than others. I saw this happening and became friends with him because I do not believe in this at all. Another student  that came in wanted to play sports and thought he was the best player on the field. He did not make the team and he filed a complaint with the state of North Carolina saying the reason he did not make the team was because of his race. He was then transferred from our school to be given a chance to play somewhere else. To me this was someone trying to take advantage of their race in a negative way simply because the student did not get his way to begin with. 4. Identify one significant leader in the Populist movement and give a brief synopsis of this person’s contributions, failures, and successes in bringing about the ideas of populism â€Å"In 1890 Populists won control of the Kansas state legislature, and Kansan William Peffer became the party’s first U.S. Senator. Peffer, with his long white beard, was a humorous figure to many Eastern journalists and politicians, who saw little evidence of Populism in their states and often treated the party as a joke† (â€Å"1890†, 2000). Western and Southern Populists gained a large amount of support even though the other parties felt this way. Populists presidential candidate, James B. Weaver actually was able to win over one million votes. Because of fraud, intimidation, and violence by the Southern Democrats the party still failed to make any further gains. One of the largest pieces of success was the party being officially founded because of the merger of the Farmers’ Alliance and the Knights of Labor. Because of all the negative things going on because of the Democrat and Republicans all going against the Populist party it made it very hard to continue this party and keep it functioning. â€Å"Two main factions had appeared. One, the fusion Populists, sought to merge with the Democrats, using the threat of independent organization to force changes in the major party’s platform. The Populist organization in Kansas had already â€Å"fused†Ã¢â‚¬â€œover the bitter protest of those who considered this a sell-out. Fusionists argued that the regionally based third party could never hold national power; the best strategy was to influence a major party that could† (â€Å"1890†, 2000). The Second faction was called â€Å"mid-roaders† and suspected that Democratic leaders wanted to destroy the third-party threat. The Populists party also wanted to schedule the national convention before the Republican and Democrats were able to hold theirs. This would be a fight that was lost and they would have to hold their meeting after the major-party meetings. In my opinion the larger parties where using their size and power to make it very difficult for the Populists party to stay in tact and eventually got what they wanted when it was done away with. The Populists began serving more as a symbol for the Republicans and their nomination that the Populists put through would even begin to ignore the party even though they were the ones who nominated him. Reference 1890. (2000). Retrieved from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Research approach Essay

This chapter will present the research approach, chosen research method, sampling selection, materials, procedure, and method of data analysis of the current research. The present study adopts a quantitative approach through the use of surveys. It also is empirical and deductive, in the sense that it has gone through primary data gathering before making conclusions about the subject at hand (Sekaran 2000). Moreover, the study is also descriptive-correlational in nature. By descriptive, it has ascertained the levels of importance and actual performance of Body Shop along these factors which affect the buying choice of cosmetics among young females in the United Kingdom. It is likewise correlational in nature because it has aimed to establish if there are significant relationships among patronage of Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly; belief that Body Shop is a socially responsible company; general patronage of products and companies that espouse care for the environment; and overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products The study made use of survey research to be able to gather primary data. A survey is beneficial for several reasons. First, it is able to gather a representative measure of a trait or characteristic, given a well-sampled group of respondents (Bryman 1992). Surveys are an effective means of data gathering given the constraints on finances and time. They are capable of describing charateristics of the sample of respondents who have accomplished it, and allow generalisations about the sample from which they were culled. Moreover, it is also effectual in gaining insights about the individual perceptions or assessments of the respondents on a given set of questions or statements. These lend themselves to statistical analysis (Bryman 1992; Malhotra & Birks 1999). Telephone surveys were used. Ritchie & Goeldner (1994), a telephone survey is carried out where respondents answer through the telephone as medium in contrast with personal administration. He further asserts that this medium even has advantages as opposed to personal survey deployment. They permit contact with individuals who are difficult to reach and may even make respondents more comfortable and candid with answering the questions. Moreover, it obviously allows savings in both time and cost. However, when not conducted effectively, it may come out as too impersonal and the researcher will also not see the body language of the respondent, which may sometimes be important. Information may be for straightforward questions only and may not be effective for highly sensitive research topics (Ritchie & Goeldner 1994). In the current research a survey was deployed to be able to ascertain the perceptions of the female respondents on factors that affect their purchase choice of cosmetics. These perceptions came in the form of the degree of importance attached to these factors and the actual performance of Body Shop on the same factors. There were also general statements that have to do with environmentalism, patronage of CSR-centric companies and overall satisfaction with a cosmetic product. 3. 1 Sampling Selection There was a total of 150 female respondents who participated in the study. This sample size was deemed adequate for the purposes of the study. However, to be able to qualify as respondent, the following inclusion criteria have to be met: The respondent should 1) be female; 2) have purchased a Body Shop product within the last 12 months; 3) be willing to participate in a telephone survey for 10 minutes. Thus, the researcher made use of purposive sampling (Salkind 2000). The researcher began only with 20 acquaintances who have then given referrals to be able to complete the sample size. This size will allow the use and computation of powerful parametric stastics. 3. 2 Materials The instrument that was used for the current research was self-constructed. The researcher went about designing the questions after an extensive review of related literature. From these were gathered insights on the factors which affect cosmetic purchase. After the initial design, the researcher showed the questionnaire to a subject matter expert to ascertain both face validity and content validity. Face validity suggests that the instrtument ‘looks’ valid, while content validity ensures that it measures what it intends to measure (Chisnall 1997). The evential aim for the instrument is to be able to provide a detailed way of presenting the questions while not incurring survey fatigue. Moreover, the researcher was careful about including only questions which were pertinent to the construct being measured, or they will be regarded as irrelevant (Oppenheim, 1992). This also suggests that the questions must allow the researcher to address all the objectives put forth in the research (Ghauri et al 2002). The questionnaire may either be sent through email or anwered personally by the respondents or through phone. In this case, the researcher opted to do telephone interviews, while marking the responses on the survey sheet. She has read each question loudly and asked the respondent to verbally express her rating on the statement. Questionnaires either describe or measure individual/group characteristics such as values, attitudes, opinions, etc. and contain four types of questions: demographics, behaviour, knowledge and attitude. Finally, they can be classified according to the type of response required, or the type of questionnaire administered (Chisnall, 1997). The first part of the questionnaire inquired about their gender and age, and whether they have purchased a Body Shop product in the past 12 months. The next two portions of the study inquired about the degree of importance they placed on the following factors:qality of the products; having a globally renowned brand name; competitive price of the product; tendiness or fashion sense represented by the product; the degree to which the product is environment-friendly; the customer service of the store personnel; the variety of product offerings in the store; the convenience of going to the store location; the sales promotions used for the product; recommendations or positive feedback I garner from my friends, family and acquaintances; media advertisements of the product; information on the product’s label; atractiveness of the packaging; the degree to which the product espouses â€Å"natural† rather than artificial; and the values espoused by the company who sells the product. These were all answered by ticking the box of their response (or expressing it directly in the case of a phone interview) within a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The last part of the survey presents the following statements, which also requires them to indicate their level of agreement on the same 5-point Likert scale: I patronise Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly. I believe Body Shop is a socially responsible company. I generally patronise products and companies that espouse care for the environment. Your overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products Once approved as face and content valid, the researcher went about with the pilot testing of the questionnaire. This ensured that the questions were easily understandable and do not cause confusion. This required 5 respondents, from which no major changes were made on the instrument. 3. 3 Procedure The research entailed the gathering of both secondary and primary data. Secondary data came in the form of books, journals, and online sources which the researcher consulted to be able to draft Chapter 2 of the paper. Primary data, on the other and, entails the gathering of first-hand data through observations, surveys, interviews, and the like (Bryman 1992). To be able to gather primary data for the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire. The latter are usually the most feasible means of encompassing a large number of individuals that allows for valid and generalisable statistical results. With a well-designed instrument that is both reliable and valid, much substantive conclusions may be drawn. This is precisely the reason why the researcher has used this method in gathering primary data for the current research (Chisnall, 1997). After the design of the survey instrument, the researcher went about with the pilot study, which allowed him to check on the clarity of the questions (Chisnall 1997), through the suggestions of the 5 respondents who undertook it. They were requested to listen carefully to, answer the questions, and comment freely about each one. Moreover, this phase also allowed the researcher to estimate that each telephone interview will not last more than 10 minutes. The survey proper then followed, entailing gathering the respondents for the sample. This meant contacting acquaintances who were patrons of Body Shop and enlisting them onto the sample if they met the inclusion criteria (these are further discussed in the sampling section). Their responses were collated and statistically analysed. Substantive conclusions were drawn from the statistical results.

Literature as a Looking Glass

Perhaps it is the aim of every storyteller to leave their reader a little changed after having read the tales they so carefully weave.   But how many authors can actually achieve this? Leaving their audience with a story that broadens the mind, asks deep questions, and probes into the way we work is not easily done.   The ability to move us from one plane to another is what distinguishes a really great writer from a storyteller.   For many, Stephen King is such an author.   Some may say even more so because of the use of his genre of the fantastical, the horrific and the gruesome. Exploring the darker parts of our psyches, and our everyday lives, he manages to lead us along the path to contemplate difficult social questions. Always leaving them open for us to determine the answers for ourselves.In a comparison of his two works, The Long Green Mile and Hearts of Atlantis, we can explore his use of the fantastical as an opportunity to raise thought provoking social questions.   Although both books, also interestingly both written as a series, are very different in nature, they share the common theme of finding the extraordinary in ordinary life.   Each book finds the hero that seems to hide in everyday circumstances while at the same time forcing us to look at several of the factors that shape our lives, for the good or the bad. As mentioned by Jonathan Davis in his work, Stephen King’s America, â€Å"While some of his stories focus more on one area than others, a close reading of his works will often show that King seldom fails to include a wide view of American society.† (Davis)The Long Green Mile is a prime example of King’s use of storytelling as social commentary.   In the book the main characters are themselves symbols of the society in which we live.   John Coffey, and innocent man sent to death row for a crime he didn’t commit. Is it because he is simple, or because he is black? As Sharon Russell states in her c ritical review, Revisiting Stephen King , â€Å"While Coffey dominates the action, he remains an enigma, a symbol of a good beyond understanding.† (Russell)And his mysterious gift to heal is starkly contrasted with William Wharton’s ability to destroy.   Just as Coffey is the symbol for good, so is Wharton the symbol for evil.Moreover, the underlying theme that resonates throughout the book is just that; the nature of good and evil. And Stephen King shows us how that battle rages in many arenas of our lives. One obvious question is that of racism. Was Coffey found guilty because he was black? Another character in the story, a white business man, was released from a murder he obviously committed. There was nothing to point to Coffey but the fact that he was found with the girls. Was racism a factor?Also, the question of the death penalty raises its head several times. Delacroix, a horrible man, suffered death in the electric chair. However, the brine filled sponge tha t was supposed to make the electrocution quick and painless was omitted purposefully by one of the jailers. This resulted in a horrific and torturous death by Delacroix.   Was his suffering justifiable?Delving a little more deeply we probe the seemingly senseless death of Janice who had just escaped death by the miraculous hands of Coffey.   After all the trouble and the wondrous miracle that saved her life, to die in a bus accident leaves lingering questions of human justice versus divine justice.Similarly, in Hearts of Atlantis   King dances the fine line between fantasy and reality, although in a different way.   Although some of the characters are recurring, we are able to see them forming the opinions and beliefs that will be the basis of their actions in the future. Also, again King explores the realm and power of childhood.   In The Long Green Mile Coffey is used and explored as childlike and also, interestingly, he is the one that has the mystical and unquestioned healing power.   In Hearts of Atlantis   we see the children as they are and watch their struggle with reality and fantasy defines them.Those transitional moments are very apparent in the first story of Bobby and Carol.   Bobby was an everyday hero, Stephen King style. The ordinary fabric of society, hiding hero’s in every thread.   However, King goes one step further by reintroducing the few key characters throughout a string of seemingly unrelated stories.   By doing this he shows us the connectivity of individuals. How the actions we make today have huge impacts on others and shape their lives. Bobby’s bravery inspired Carol’s courage to stand up for what she believed later in life.By looking closely at the lives of the characters we could see how the past could have drastic effects on the future. Although with the case of Carol it empowers her, it is not the same for everyone. This is illustrated in the story, â€Å"Blind Willie†.   Bill r elives each day trying to resolve the regret for his past actions. We see the old baseball glove of Bobby’s that Blind Willie uses to collect the money he earns as a broken Vietnam veteran while his wife and family believe him to be a successful business man busy at the office.   Willie tries to find answers by living a double life.Moreover, King uses the opportunity to stir up a social commentary on the effects the Vietnam War had on people specifically and then society as a whole.   He uses the series of stories to look at different aspects of reaction. From the earliest stages, when war is just playing in the background, as in the case with Bobby in â€Å"Low Men in Yellow Coats† and then also with young adults drifting in and out of adulthood and drafting such as was portrayed in â€Å"Hearts in Atlantis†.Although it seems to be a simple peek into the issues that concern college aged kids trying to leap into adulthood, the story sells its moral in the en d, as stated by Russell, â€Å"The story ends with an incident long after the main events—a reunion between Pete and one of his college friends. No matter what happened, they both agree that they tried during that period. They were not the big heroes, but they did something—just as Bobby saved Carol but failed with Ted. King suggests that any positive action is important even if it is not truly heroic.† (Russell)Davis, Johnathan. Stephen king's America. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University, 1994.Russell, Sharon. Revisiting Stephen King. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.Davis, Johnathan. Stephen king's America. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University, 1994.Russell, Sharon. Revisiting Stephen King. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.In this way, everyone has the opportunity to be a type of hero, no matter how small the action, the effects can be long lasting.While an extensive look at any author’s works reveals a repeating and recurring the me or message that appears to be central in their writing, it is Stephen King’s use of his particular genre that continually draws in his readers again and again.   The parallel of the darker side of humanity with the fantastical opens windows to explore and question the reasons we think, act and believe as we do.   Perhaps it is just that use of the darker and less explored side of humanity that holds such a fascination.Russell   comments,   â€Å"The ongoing battle in King’s fantastic universe to follow the beam and keep the world from falling apart is mirrored by later actions in the real world.†   So, in addition to his use of the genre to explore our social fabric,   his consistent use of our interconnectedness and how the past affects the present are major recurring themes.   By playing on our fears and opening up our minds to the impossible, we are able to look openly at issues that affect our lives without judgment, and perhaps emerge a bet ter person.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Annotated Bibliography on Policy Argument Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

On Policy Argument - Annotated Bibliography Example Moreover, the article helps in ensuring that there is enough ground to make a claim on ways in which video games have been detrimental to children and teenagers. Lam, Lawrence, Cheng, ZaoHuo and Liu, XinMin.Violent "Online Games Exposure and Cyberbullying/Victimization Among Adolescents." Web. 20 July 2014. . The authors use exploratory study to establish a connection between exposure to violent online -games and cyber-bullying and victimization among adolescents. A recent survey by national population Health Behavior in School-Age Children found that of those involved or affected by cyber bullying "5.3 percent were victims only, and 4.5 % were both perpetrators as well as the victim" (159). The article is relevant to my study, as it has largely focused on school-aged children most of which are teenagers. As a result, it will be of help in making a claim that video games should not be accessible to teenagers and young children. The article questions whether parents are aware of the effects of video games on children. The author notes of various negative influence it has on children such as violent action, having negative image on children, and social isolation. As the author notes, video games make student not to care about grades or learning and want to stay away from other people (1). The article helps to highlight the rise of antisocial behavior due to prevalence of the games and helps to reinforce my call for banning of games. The rise of antisocial behavior should be controlled in all possible ways including making it illegal to make video games available to children and teenagers. Stephen, Burgess, Paul, Stermer Steven and Melinda, Burgess. "Video

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legalization of Marijuana - Research Paper Example The same way, if people were able to look past the intoxicating nature of marijuana that leads to its abuse, they would be able to find several positive characteristics of this substance, which can be used to the advantage of several causes. These characteristics are plentiful, and thus reinforce the idea that marijuana should be legalized. One very well known medical use of marijuana is in the treatment and control of glaucoma (, 2011). This disease affects several people every year. The main symptom is intraocular pressure in the eye, which is an elevated pressure, which causes nerve damage and impairs the vision of the patient, sometimes to the extent of blindness. While marijuana is not always helpful in curing this disease, it has an active ingredient THC, which helps reduce the intraocular pressure in the eye. This does not cure the patient’s glaucoma completely. However, it does prevent some of the irreparable nerve damage that glaucoma causes, and decelerates the rate of blindness onset for the patient (Jacob, pp. 75-120). Experts (Jacob, pp. 75-120) often criticize this use of marijuana as a glaucoma treatment due to two reasons. First, they object to employing a psychoactive substance for medicinal purposes, because it has several disadvantages and side effects such as addictiveness and intoxication. However, it is important to note that the alleviation of the symptom of such a disease make the side effects seem small in comparison to the greater benefit that it provides the patients. The second reason why the use of marijuana is criticized is that it does not actually cure the patient’s glaucoma, but only delays the onset of the severe symptoms (Jacob, pp. 75-120). That is, there is no real cure attached with this treatment; it only controls them enough to cause a delay in the patient becoming blind or incurring nerve damage. Again, it is important to note to view the situation from the patient’s perspective, who would welcome any delay in the onset of such impairing symptoms. Thus, this should provide some grounds for the consideration of the legalization of marijuana. Apart from this, an even greater medicinal use for marijuana is as a painkiller. The University of California conducted several studies (California Secretary of State, 2010), which concluded that marijuana could be a very effective painkiller for patients suffering diseases like cancer, HIV, and multiple sclerosis (Doheny, pp. 1-3). Cancer patients in the final stages of cancer experience high levels of pain to which ordinary painkillers are highly ineffective, leading to a high level of suffering for these dying patients. Marijuana, besides its infamous reputation as a highly abused psychoactive substance, is also a very effective painkiller, which can greatly help decrease the pain of such patients (Messerli, pp. 1). However, it does not receive the due importance in this area due to its controversial nature. Furthermore, studies have confirmed its effectiveness as a painkiller for people suffering from spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis. All these conditions cause extreme pain to the patient, and hardly any of the painkillers administered to them are effective enough to alleviate the pain. Therefore, the government should consider the use of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Implementation of ecotourism principles in Pembrokeshire Coastal Research Paper

Implementation of ecotourism principles in Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park - Research Paper Example arch is carried out which discusses about the implementation of ecotourism in Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park (PCNP) and the reasons why it has been referred as an ecotourism site. The procedure thus followed in this project is mainly secondary and descriptive research followed by primary research.  (Visit Prembrokeshire 2009; Prembrokeshire coast National Park, n.d.; Stopher and Metcalf, 1996)    Primary data being a direct source of information is more reliable as it is collected directly by interviewing the relevant person or from government records. There is no possibility of the data being modified by a third party and this helps in deciding which analytical techniques to use and how to interpret the results. There cannot be a better way to study the tourism industry, which is formed by tourists from different cultural and emotional background, and whether they as well as the local people are aware of the importance of sustainable development and their views about the implementation of ecotourism. At times, much relevant information cannot be gathered from official sources. First- hand information hence can be more apt.   But one disadvantage of primary research is that, it may not be always possible for individuals to travel due to time and financial constraints. (Ithaca College library, August 2009) The secondary research done here is based on existing works in this field. The resources are gathered from government publications, books, journals and articles of the United Nations Environment Program and economic periodicals. This is the very essence of secondary research. Such a research is advantageous as it saves time and money incurred for the research with easy and fast  collection of data. Often secondary data is available for broad subjects about which it would be impossible to gather primary data. But the negatives lies in the fact that the quality of secondary research need to be scrutinized as the source is questionable and there is a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussion Questions Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion Questions Week 5 - Essay Example Thus, in order to evaluate whether the quality of the product (which is often equated with the chemical content, presentation, and packaging) is met, knowledge of the statistical concepts and their application is crucial. I must admit that without attending this class, I will remain ignorant of the use of statistics in addressing the concerns. Equipped with the knowledge and skill taught by my professor, I am confident to use the methods in ensuring that our meat processing plant will be successful in marketing high quality products by an everyday evaluation of whether quality goals are met. Regression analysis is a important statistical tool which is used to identify the relationship between variables. In conducting regression analysis, one needs to be aware of its basic principles and considerations. First, the sample from where the inference prediction is to be generated must be a representative of the population. It should be noted that this assumption is almost always a requirement for statistical tests. Secondly, the dependent variable is subject to error which is assumed to be a random variable having a standard distribution. On the other hand, the independent variable is error free and the predictors should be linearly correlated. In the meat processing plant where I work, regression analysis can be utilized in order for the management to know the relationship between the group of employees working for the meat processing plant and product quality. It should be noted that in my company there are two groups manning the 12-hour operation. Each of these groups takes 6 hours which is the amount of time needed for one batch of processing. Product of quality can be measured through the number of rejects and those which did not pass quality control. This regression analysis can point out if any of the group performs better and can help the management to reward and motivate

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Peer reviewed journal related to the key foods Article

Peer reviewed journal related to the key foods - Article Example Alternatively the starch and stew combination are redred and Tubman or moimoi mainly based on vegetable protein. Cassava is classified as a perennial plant that grows well under tropical climate, moist fertile and well-drained soils. A complete mature full grown plant reaches a height of about 2-4 meters. Under the cultivation fields, cut stem sections are planted like sugar canes each tube weighs one to several pounds depending upon the cultural type. A cassava is a gray-brown, rough woody textured skin, with a white color starch rich sweet-flavored meat that should be eaten only after cooking. Cassava is used to prepare different king of dishes which include Akple which is fermented cassava and corn dough, fufu which is a pounded cassava and Konkonte which is primarily dried peeled cassava powder. Cassava is the world third source of carbohydrates but a poor source of protein. Additionally, it has a nearly twice the calories than potatoes, in a 100g root it provides 160 calories, which comes from sucrose forming the bulk of the sugars in tubers. Cassava has very low fats and protein content than in cereals and pulses (Wagner, 2010) Young tender cassava leaves are a rich source of dietary, copper, magnesium and vitamin K which is vital in bone construction promoting Osteotrophic activity in the bones. It has medicinal value of treating Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damages in the brain. Fufu is prepared by boiling the peeled cassava and pounding into a dough-like consistency and later served with a soup. Cassava is a rich source of carbohydrates which acts as fuel for energy; bodies require energy for their functionality and day to day activity. Cassava being a fiber food, it reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer also helps in diabetic and constipation reduction. In conduction, since it is a source of saponins, it helps reduce cholesterol levels and reduce acidic levels in the body

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why are great Italian Renaissance architects more famous than their Essay - 1

Why are great Italian Renaissance architects more famous than their great gothic predecessors Discuss how and why the role and image of the architect changed during the Italian Renaissance - Essay Example European Renaissance is a period of history when a great deal of cultural change was noted. Among different expressions of the Renaissance period, Italian Renaissance remains the most widely known of all because they have distinctive styles to approach design and reality. Other than being the most well-known manifestation of European Renaissance, Italian Renaissance remains the oldest in terms of cultural change. It should be noted that the Italian Renaissance began by the end of thirteenth century as cultural shift became a part of European society. The transition in this era was particularly noted or observed within medieval and early modern ideology. Most of the historians claim that Renaissance itself is a symbol of modernity that took the cultural shift to a complete different level in terms of societal outlook. Among various contributors of Italian Renaissance, Jacob Burckhardt is the most well-known. A number of contributors other than Jacob Burckhardt tried to bring cultural change to a full swing. The fact remains that the change in culture or cultural shift did not attain its finest form until 19th century. Herein, it can be marked that the changes which were noted in the context of architecture during Italian Renaissance was increase theoretical practices. In simpler words, it can be said that the Italian Renaissance architects made use of roman theories for practice. A similar pattern was observed within the field of literature where roman influence was evident in different readings. Therefore, Roman theories were generally accepted which led Italian arts to feel confident about Roman theories in their practices. On evaluation of the classical Italian Renaissance architecture, it comes to understanding that Roman detailing was greatly used and practices such as columns, pilasters, pediments, domes etc. Also,

Buying & Merchandising Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Buying & Merchandising Project - Essay Example In propounding such a vision of capitalism, Schumpeter extrapolated the business model framework for competitive markets, stating â€Å"capitalism, then is by nature a form or method of economic change† (Schumpeter, 1942). Furthermore, Schumpeter argued that innovation was the key to success and survival in a capitalist state and Reinert refers to the fact that the term highlights how failure to be innovative in business results in a â€Å"vicious circle where developing countries, lacking the necessary technological and institutional infrastructure, fall further and further behind† (Reinert, 2004:11). Therefore according to Schumpeter’s model, capitalism is the central change embodied in technological advancement and innovation as a form of economic evolution (Aghion, P., & Howitt, P., 1992). From a retailing perspective, it is evident that proliferation of the multi-channel retailing paradigm as required retailers to â€Å"innovate† in order to maintain position in the marketplace (Levy & Weitz, 2008). Schumpeter further argues that internal innovation within a business operational framework produces lower costs, which in turn permits companies to sell products at lower prices, which is referred to as dynamic efficiency (Utterback, J. 1996). This in turn highlights a key element of Schumpeter’s model that competition for innovation as opposed to competition for customers is the most important, which arguably underpins contemporary multi-channel retail strategy (Diamond & Pintel, 2004). Innovation in the context of multi-channel retail strategy essentially becomes essential to effective capitalism, providing the foundation of dynamism in line with Schumpeter’s theory that the evolution and sustainability of a successful business model is not dependant on how capitalism administers existing models, but rather with how it destroys them through creativity to survive long term growth (Metcalfe, J.S. 1998; Levy & Weitz,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Qatar sporting legacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Qatar sporting legacy - Essay Example In line with the economic potential of hosting local and international sports events, the present study aims to determine the social, political and economic factors that have acted as the foundation upon which Qatars sporting legacy is being built. A qualitative approach has been utilized, wherein data collection was processed using interview responses as primary sources, whereas journals, have been used as secondary sources. The study focused on answering the questions, (1) can Qatar be a viable venue for holding sports events (2) does Qatar have the necessary sporting infrastructure, economic and political stability to sustain its sporting legacy on a long term basis, (3) can other Asian countries sustain a sporting legacy, similar to what Qatar has done. The researcher was able to determine that Qatar has the resources and the capacity to become a prime venue for holding both international and local sports events, as well as sustain its sports legacy on a long-term basis. This is due to the country’s stable economic and political state, as supported by the nations passion towards sports. It has also been found that other Asian economies would only be able to emulate Qatars sporting legacy, given that the factors necessitated in creating one would only be present in one form. Sports stand to command a pivotal place in Qatar’s social and national life. One primary reason behind this phenomenon is the fact that people in the Middle East do have a special predilection for outdoor activities. The sports legacy of Qatar is a unique mix of the new developments as well as age-old traditions. This is why, in the last two decades, the government of Qatar has embarked on a unique policy to promote the local and international sports in Qatar (QSC, 2010). The primary thrust of this policy is to introduce and support new sports like golf, soccer and tennis, while at the same time encouraging traditional sports like camel racing and horse racing. There is no

Monday, July 22, 2019

Great Expectations Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations Essay Explore Dickens approach to the theme being a gentleman in key extracts of Great Expectations with particular reference to the social, historical and cultural influences of the text. What is a gentleman? A typical gentleman in modern day society is perceived as an alien concept. In 1463, a gentleman was defined as a man of rank but in 1583 a gentleman was said to be as a man of superior position or a man of leisure. However, in 1852 a gentleman was described as a wealthy man with no occupation. Yet, the traditional view of a gentleman was a man of gentle birth, a noble man who was not royalty, and a man of distinction. The first time we see Dickens use an instance of being a gentleman is in Chapter One through Pips attitude towards the convict. As Magwitch orders Pip around, yelling Tell us your name! Quick! Pip surprises us by responding in a much more polite manner than we would expect of someone in this situation. We notice a difference in dialect here; Magwitch is rough and has a very harsh voice, whereas Pips is much more refined. This suggests that Dickens created Pip with an underlying sense of being a gentleman from the start, but Pip believes himself to be more common. At home, Pips sister has brought him up in accordance with the very traditional notion of children should be seen and not heard. This could be a factor that has led to Pips politeness. However, she does not believe him to be as well-behaved and mannerly as he is. This is evident when she calls him naturally vicious. When the convict is found, Joe is called to help catch him. Pip goes along with him, and in this chapter we realize where Pip gets his decency. Joe has a simple dignity and compassion, and by caring for the convict and getting him what he needs, we notice that Pip shares these characteristics. Pip was worried that they would find the convict and his role would be discovered, but we see that Magwitch does not betray Pip when he is caught. This could suggest that there is to be other encounters with him later on, and that the convict does not want to be on unfriendly terms with Pip. In Chapter Seven Pip is invited to play at Miss Havishams, yet he does not understand why. She is a rich lady and before he goes he is thoroughly cleaned. This shows that they are a typical working-class family in Victorian times. At Miss Havishams we again witness Pips gentility. He responds to her using Maam. He is a young boy who could be excused for talking to her as he would to anybody else, but he again shows how he has the potential to be a gentleman. Also, throughout the book he speaks to all his elders in this way. This shows the respect he has, and how he has been brought up well. However, we do not see any politeness from Miss Havisham. We are also introduced to Estella, the young girl who was adopted by Miss Havisham. Her name means star, which is quite ironic. Miss Havisham has trained her to break hearts, and Pip is the boy Estella is to practice on. Pips gentility shows again when, after Estella is cruel towards him, he forgives her. He is so in love with her that her beauty makes him forget her unpleasantness. His love for her develops so much that he wants to ask her out, but he feels he is not good enough for her because he is poor.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Television Cultural Change

Television Cultural Change Television became the important part of peoples life. We cannot imagine our evening without an interesting film or news program. Many people like cinema even if they have TV at their homes. It became an ever-present part of the furniture. One person did not invent the television technologies; also, the technologies were not made at one blow. The discovery of â€Å"the photoelectric selenium effect e† became the underlie of the television. W. Smith made this discovery at the year of 1873. Eleven years after P. Nipckov innovated the scanning disk. The important event allowed developing the mechanic television. This type of television was popular until 1930-s. It was the very first attempts to provide television into peoples life. Many different scientists from all over the world took part in the developing of the television we know and use nowadays. The first moving image was transferred at the distance on July 26, 1928 by Russian scientists B. Grabovsky and E. Beliansky. Scientists all over the world consider this experiment the beginning of the modern television. At the same time scientist J. Baird from Scotland made the same experiment. He found â€Å"Baird Television Development Company†. On December 18, the year of 1953 the first colored TV broadcasting at the NTSC system. Television has been spreading very fast since second part of the XX century. United Nation Organization found the commemorative day the World Day of Television. How has the television changed since it was invented? It changed in many various ways and first technologically. We should find the answer on the one very important question whether the television affect peoples perceive? In addition, could the different TV programs, films and news that they see on television manipulate the society? The aim of my project is to compare the role of television nowadays and 60 years ago. I will discuss the different changes and their influence on the society life. First, let us pay attention to the technological progress of television over the years. It was a long way since the year of 1936 when television broadcasting was introduced in London; but I mentioned about it before. What was the number of available channels? The number of them was up to four main channels in larger cities. Television signals were not able to pass through the high mountains and distance villages. Those times television certainly had no much influence. It was just a privilege of urban residents. The people from the country did not feel an influence of the innovation. Nevertheless, scientists and those people who are now known as â€Å"showmen† were sure that television has a great future. They made many efforts to develop and improve television technologies. The problem was how to make television available for those people who lives at villages and small towns. In the year of 1948, the new technology was introduced. Now the technology is known as a cable television. What was the purpose of the cable television? According to Fisher and Marshall (1996) â€Å"The purpose of it was to be able to bring broadcast signals to rural areas with community antennas placed at high elevations†. Usually it was mountains and tops of the high poles. The innovation had a great success and it has grown fast. There were up to seven hundred cable systems by the year of 1960. By the year of 1971 it was 2.750 cable systems and 6 million families used them. At the end of XX century the numbers of the cable systems are up to 65 million and even more. But the cable TV was not the last and best invention of the scientists. Certainly many people still use the cable systems all over the world but television continues to advance with innovation of satellites. The new step in technologies gives an opportunity to use over 80 different channels most of which are 24-hours. They are movies, music, scientists, news and a lot of others. Now people cannot imagine their everyday life and spare time without TV. They agree to pay a lot of money to have television at their flats. Now we see that those people who decided to invest the development of television were perfectly right. The owners of premium channels have a lot of money now and a great influence also. Many years ago television offered us many different popular movies and programs without commercial interruption. Nevertheless, with time interactive television was brought out. Interactive TV created a communicative service between providers and users. It is obvious that television technologies will eternally develop. We have seen how the TV technologies were changed. But the main change in television is not a technological aspect. Television is the command centre of peoples culture now. TV is much different from other media. It is different from film, music or, for example, theatre and cinema. That is why we need to examine it attentively and deeply. We visit cinema and theatre to enjoy the play; we buy music to enjoy listening †¦ Nevertheless, we use television for everything. TV is an all-in-one phial. It has everything literature, music, news, politics, and commerce. We become â€Å"a television people†. Everything in our life should come through TV. Not only American society, but equally world society become depends on TV. If you want to be a Canadian, an American, or a deserving attention member of any society, you have to watch TV and make a contact with everything is happening in the culture. I think that if the human society had no television we would not know what is going on around the world and we would not be able to follow events like we use do it today. The TV images have a great power. Psychologists perfectly agree with it. The images are more important that the words. Nevertheless, both of them are changing the world and they are changing our minds, feelings, ways of thinking, points of view and even they way we relate other people and the world. Many people are using these features of television for their own benefits. Politics are the first group of influential people who wants to make their influent total. I do not want to discuss here how dangerous it is but independent experts are wonder how much human society has changed since television became a part and parcel of peoples life. With time, we began to see more murdering and blood on the TV screens the quality of TV programs has changed. Shiers (1997) mentioned that sixty years ago, they were just an entertainment equal with theatre and may be books. With time the power of the innovations influence become obvious. Time came for it to be wide used. Politics try to suggest thei r ideas to great number of people. Sometimes those ideas are dangerous like for example the political ideas of Stalin and Hitler. People are also interested in the private life and spare time of their political candidates and different â€Å"stars† that it became dangerous for the opposite side of the TV screen. Paparazzi storm into singers, politicians and other famous peoples lives very often. It is always very unpleasant and even dangerous sometimes. Should we blame TV or humans curiosity also? The media manipulates us. It controls the way we view our political leaders, our lifes values and the way we view the world at all. It forms our opinions by what the famous people or scientists or any other men of influence say. Television becomes a centre of gossips. We never know if the information we watch is trustful or not. Television has changed totally during last 60 years. First of all, it became full of lies. I do not want to tell that television it is an evil. Many good things have been done by television. For example, high-developed countries have an opportunity to help regions that are suffered from war and natural disasters. We can find our lost relatives and even get a lot of new knowledge. But we cannot be sure if some important information we know from the television is true information. Sometimes it is just advertising and we may feel sorry for buying the goods that are not as good as advertising proclaimed. Moreover, sometimes it could be very important information that is able to save many lives. Rose (1986) said that it could be information about natural disasters or epidemic. If politicians hide a part of information and underestimate the danger to avoid panics the results could be dismal showing. The bright example is the blow of the nuclear power plant at the territory of the formal USSR. People were not let know beforehand of the great danger and millions of them died. Moreover, the soviet television reported that there was no danger at all. It is a grievous example of the negative influence of the television. Now I want to talk about the positive contribution of the television. First of all, I want to mention about the cultural exchange. It would be very difficult to get knowledge about people and their customs without television. For example, thanks to â€Å"Discovery† channel we can know many different interesting facts about other countries and even about the most distance parts of the world. We may get the information about the newest researches in medicine. Sometimes this information could be very useful if you make sure that it is trustful information. Television was very useful in solving the problem of Native Americans. Since Columbus discovered the New World, this group of people was under pressure. White conquistadors enslaved and oppressed American Indians. They were considered savages. Now when many TV programs about the American Indians culture were produced we know that they are ordinary people with high life values. We learned how to respect them and we do not afraid of them anymore. From another side Native Americans know a lot about the â€Å"white† culture. They are ready to cooperate with us. We tout them many useful things. It is an example of the positive role of television in the cultural exchange. If people learn how to use the power of TV in the right way we could avoid some wars and international conflicts. Nowadays due to the television the world is â€Å"a giant village†. We know all events that happen in other countries. We do not feel borders and it would be gorgeous if the humankind could feel itself like friendly neighborhood or even a family. I am sure that globalization could be a very useful social phenomenon if people would use it in a right way. I strongly believe that television is possibility for people to know about events all over the world and prevent some situations in own native country. Popular proverb said that a person who possess information possess the whole world. And we can make a conclusion from this proverb in relate to our situation that television allow people possess information and be informed in day to day. Our life is full of different changes and new innovations are the way of peoples efforts and progressive thoughts implementation. Television has changed in many ways since the first colored TV broadcasting at the NTSC system were performed on December 18, the year of 1953. We live now in highly developed technological era. And describing television technology we see that the technology became more developed and more people have an opportunity to use it. Television became a part of the private and social life. It connected the world population. It gives us a way to know each other better. At the same time, television has become the command centre of peoples culture. People did not know about the life of criminals and gangsters 60 years ago. Nowadays thanks to television, we know a lot about it and this type of â€Å"culture† is become popular among youth. In addition, we know a lot about so called â€Å"subcultures† like Goths, Emokids, hippie, punks and so on. From the one side, it gives us an opportunity to be more understandable to the way of somebodys life. From another side, it could be a negative example for young people. At the end of my project, I want to mention the great role of television in the field of religion. Those people who are looking for the sense of life and for the acceptable way of worship could get a lot of information about it. Television can help them to know about world religions and about the people who worships in this or another way. Television plays a great role in the live of everybody even if we do not think much about the fact. First, it is a very useful innovation, but we need to learn how to use it for the humans wellness. References Abramson, A. (1987). The History of Television, 1880 to 1941. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Co. Abramson, A. (2003). The History of Television, 1942 to 2000. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Co. Everson, G. (1949), The Story of Television, The Life of Philo T. Farnsworth New York, NY: W. W. Norton Co. Fisher, D. and Marshall, J.(1996). Tube: the Invention of Television. Washington: Counterpoint. Foote, J. and Minow, N. (1990). Television Access and Political Power: The Networks, the Presidency, and the â€Å"Loyal Opposition.† Praeger Publishers. Meyrowitz, J. (1985). No Sense of Place, Oxford University Press, New York. Rose, B. (1986). Television and the Performing Arts: A Handbook and Reference Guide to American Cultural Programming. Greenwood Press. Shiers, G. (1997). Early Television: A Bibliographic Guide to 1940. Garland Reference Library of Social Science. Toto, D. (2000). Job Growth in Television: Cable versus Broadcast, 1958-99. Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 123. Tulloch, J. (1990). Television Drama: Agency, Audience, and Myth. Routledge.

The e-banking

The e-banking 1.1 INTRODUCTION This Chapter is begins with a brief introductory of E-banking. The section 1.2 provides overview of the E-banking. Next, for the Section 1.3 problem statement which is fully elaborates. Following that, Section 1.4 states the research objectives. In section 1.5 which is definition of term. Lastly, Section 1.6 underlies the organization of chapters. 1.2 OVERVIEW OF THE E-BANKING E-banking is term which means the process by a customer who may perform banking transactions via automated delivery banking products and services through electronic delivery channels. The development of service delivery channels such as E-banking, have created a new type of economy it also increasing knowledge strength in areas of business, and new forms of business (IGI Global, 2009). The growing of internet and telecommunication system at a global level has enabled E-banking services in bank sector. E-banking services are becoming an important part for business environment for the bank industry. The development of E-banking changing the lifestyle of banks customers towards financial transaction process. E-banking services found that the available time which is extend for normal business hour. Based on the speech of Tan Sri Zeti Aktar Aziz, (2003) concluded the differentiating banking products and services provided the new banking environment increased of choices, control security a nd accessibility. Thus, the most efficient and effective manner will be the key to determined performance of the financial institutions ability to deliver products and services. Hence, the E-banking carry out the regular activities to individual and corporate customer its now becomes a virtual banking. (Chai Lee Goi, 2005). Even those E-banking services can consider as more electronic-based, but it still strongly supports banking activities, such as communication, transaction and distribution (Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnrnberg, 1997). The system includes for E-banking to enable financial institution customers, individuals or business, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial products and services through a public or private network, including the internet. (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, n.d). The following figure 1 show the available of E-banking system. According to The Star online (2006) the electronic devices offered to access E-banking services using an electronic device, such as personal computer (PC), automated teller machine (ATM), telephone, or mobile phone. By using these electronic devices bank customers can access their banking accounts, such as internet banking, telephone banking and mobile banking. A banks customers can request information and carry out most retail banking services via computer, television or mobile phone which is the several types of E-banking services. Since 1st June 2000 Malaysia Bank has been offering E-banking when domestic banking institution were allowed to provide a full range of banking product and services over the internet. In January 2001-2002, locally incorporated foreign banks were allowed to set up communication website and transaction website. 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT This paper is to develop understanding of influencing factor of Electronic Banking services adoption among youth. The study of Lewis and Bingham (1991), who can be classified as youth and aged between 15 and 24 years, this group of age people who mostly using internet and mobile services. The youth are more likely adopt the new technologies. On the other hand, youth shows more interest at using the E-banking services. E-banking services is rapidly using by customer for the personal transaction purpose. More recently, young people under the age of 25 have been identified as the group showing the strongest preference for personal banking technologies and innovations (Bednar et al., 1995). This recent of year the usage of technology base service system such as internet are fully use by youth compare to older generation, but certain of them they are unnoticed to the easier of e-banking. So in this survey would like to improve the usage of e-banking with analyze the factor influencing the adoption of E-banking by younger customer. According the survey of SKMM (2008) the percentage share of the household user base across age groups is under 15 to 50 and above. The range of age group of youth around 15-19 and 20-24 resulted the percentage is higher than other age group. The age of 15-19 maintains around 17.9 percent to 18.7 percent in the 2005 to 2008. The other group of age 20-24 the usage of internet around 15.7 percent to 17.2 percent. A successful adoption of E-banking to public the most important is the service quality that delivers to customers. Hence, without a good quality of services will affect the profitability of financial institutions and the future development. According Jun and Cai (2001) most of the customers expectations through internet are still lagging, in order to increase customer loyalty are required to put a strong highlighting on their customer quality services, which are steadily growing competition in internet banking industry .Thus, Long term profitability is crucial for the loyalty of customer (Jun and Cai, 2001). According to the study of Kotler,P.R (1994) good service is referred to as service which creates satisfied customer, thus the remaining loyal and talking favorably about the bank and its online services. The most of the E-banking services need upgrade of the level of security, since the level of customer being attack is high by hackers. How the bank sector can across to the security factor if it is always problems occur? According to a survey by Siddharth Agarwal (2009), that main problem found customer have a fear of hacking of account and thus do not go for internet banking, and hence bank are trying their best by proving the best security options to the customer. 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objective of this study is to let youth customer more understanding the key factors that influence their adoption towards E-banking services. There are three major objectives of this study, namely: To understand the adoption of youth consumer towards E-banking services The main purpose of the study is to obtain the view, adoption of youth consumer towards E-banking services as nowadays E-banking plays an important role in bank sector. It examines the views of youth towards e-banking and identifies the responses of youth to these E-banking services. To identify the factor which youth consumer consider important in adoption of E-banking services The objective of the study is also identifying the factor towards E-banking services through youth opinion. A greater awareness for the important factor that youth consumer as important of E-banking services might be achieved through the study and banks sector are improve the services to run professionally. To investigate what are the main factors influence the adoption towards E-banking services among youth and to enhance the services quality. The study also provides the different factor influence among youth adoption E-banking services. By analyze the factor influence youth towards E-banking services bank sector might know the needs of youth to increase the usage of E-banking services. In this study, will define the types of E-banking and determine the influencing factor of E-banking services adoption among youth. In this study for one of the factor will adopt the technology acceptance models (TAM) as one of its research instrument. 1.5 CONTRIBUTION The main advantage of E-banking to customer is convenient and time-saving. Customer may access to their account information and conduct specific transactions through E-banking from a remote location, such as home or available at anytime. This study reflects upon opportunities to understand the E-banking services to gain more knowledge about E-banking. Other than this, this study might expose the factor influence towards youth adoption among E-banking and increase the awareness of youth through E-banking services. Lastly, this study would provide growth in E-banking services and meet the needs of customers to reach long term profitability. 1.6 DEFINITION E-banking (electronic banking): An umbrella term for the process by which a customer may perform banking transactions electronically. Youth: is the period between childhood and adulthood, the age of 15 and 24 years. Internet banking: can also called online banking, is an outgrowth of PC banking. Internet banking allows customer uses internet as the delivery channel to conduct banking activity. Mobile banking: a financial transaction conducted by logging on to a banks website using a cell phone. Telephone banking: a service allows customers to perform transactions over the telephone. ATM: an automated teller machine computerized telecommunications device that provides the customer by inserting a plastic card with a chip to access financial transactions in a public space. Primary Data : Data gathered for the research form the actual site of occurrence of event or from the respondents. Secondary Data: Data collected from existing sources like, company annual reports and others. 1.7 ORGANIZATION OF CHAPTER This study wan elaborately organized into three chapters shall to address the overall objective of this research study. Chapter One begins with an introductory part which provides overview of E-banking, problem statement, and research objectives, definition. Following that, Chapter Two is to support the study by providing the reader with relevant literature review from various journals and articles. The E-banking in Malaysia and the types of E-banking will illustrate in chapter two also. In addition, the dependent varies of convenience, security, friends and relatives influences, perceived usefulness, and personalization. Lastly, Chapter three is the research and methodology. Theoretical Framework is explained in this chapter. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 E-BANKING Studies of Olga Lustsik, (2004) discuss the role of e-channels in the banking sector as Electronic banking (E-banking). Automated E-banking service offer a perfect opportunity for minimizing costs thus, the goal of any company is to maximize profits for its owners and banks are no exception. According to Newman and Cowling (1996) believes that profitability and survival in a business is the excellent service quality to customers. The study of Jane, (2004) E-banking marketplace resulted that the consumer adoption with the success of E-banking products and services. The study of Bob Batchelor (2009) the term of E-banking or Electronic banking that describes all transactions among companies, organization, and individual and their banking institutions. The financial institutions that develop the online banking such as bill payment, money transfer and mobile E-banking, trough this services E-banking allow customers using more services. The E-banking can offer an enhanced range of services at a low cost to customers, such as cash withdrawals and cash-back transaction, deposits, payment and transfer. Therefore, in the early of electronic banking initiatives were designed reduce cost of transaction to delivery value to the customer. The low cost of E-banking services is good news for the customers on low incomes who may affordable through transaction. The system provided by E-banking should be standardized because the customer may use familiar with the procedure followed. The banks have already started focusing on increasing the E-banking services to enable the customer to perform various functions on-line, hence E-banking can be succeed if the basic features can handled well. Most of the banks have established an internet as a new distribution channel. By using the internet for the financial services it may improve the potential of customer. Thus, the banks may extend their market. However, in this study suggest that financial institution management should choose the level of E-banking services provided to various customer needs. Increasing of E-banking prevalent in the study of Shih and Fang (2004) explained that E-banking adopted by many financial institutions, E-banking functional to reduce costs, customized, short processing time, speedy and improved the flexibility of the business transaction. E-banking services offer effectively for twenty-four hours a days, seven days a week allow the customer can do their daily banking activities. 2.1.1 TYPE OF E-BANKING E-banking is the newest delivery channel of banking services. E-banking has separate in the variety types of the following, Internet banking (or online banking), telephone banking, mobile phone banking, and ATM (Automated Teller Machine). (Olga Lustsik, 2004) E-banking has transformed traditional practices in banking and explosive growth. Internet Banking The new age banking system used the new term of internet banking, also called as online banking and it is an outgrowth of PC banking.( Divya Singhal and V.Padhmanabhan, 2008) The delivery channel of internet banking to conduct banking activity such as transferring funds, paying bills, viewing checking, savings account balances and certificated of deposits. (Haque et al, 2009)In the study of Diva Singhal and V.Padhmanabhan, (2008) conduct that there are many advantages of online banking. Internet banking is convenient, operation timings, no geographical barriers and services at low cost charge.(Gonzalez et al., 2008) Internet banking increasingly managed operation activity and an main component of a multi-channel strategy to play an important role in the new banking environment. (Black et al., 2002) Thus, financial institutions now regard the internet banking as equally important to other electronic banking transaction such as automated teller machines (ATM) and telephone banking. Automated Teller Machines (ATM) In the year 1980s, Automated Teller Machines (ATM) was the first E-banking product introduced. The ATM system serves customer with the simple transactions for example checking balance, withdrawing funds or depositing and transferring money. ( Rohaya Shaari and Nor Hayati, n.d.) The overall for the ATM, it easily found in various locations and its have the extended operating hours helps customers to overcome in time and the geographical constraints. ( Shanmugam et al., 2000) In the study of Leonard and Spencer (1991), found that a great majority of customers perceived banks with ATM as being successfully. Thus, the banking industry has tried gain the technology by ATM to take the advantage productivity and customer services for carry out the daily transaction. Telephone banking Telephone banking is a channel for the delivering banking services, the banking industry use it as an alternative traditional way of delivering services to customer through branch networks. (Rizal Ahmad and Francis Buttle, 2002) Ramsay and Smith (1999) examined the Australian channel usage for telephone banking is employed by bank customers because its accessibility as well as convenience factors. According to Rizal Ahmad and Francis Buttle, (2002) the benefit by using telephone banking are convenience and control, enable customers privately using the services such as at home. Mobile banking An analysis define the mobile banking is a form of banking transaction carried out via a mobile phone and its allows bank customers to check their account balances or perform credit card transaction as well as provide information. (Hanudin and Ricardo and Mohd Zulkifli, n.d.) Mobile banking the new banking transaction services created opportunities by the rapid technological advances in mobile-based technologies, additionally the commercial banks in Malaysia have tried to improve operations and reduce costs by introduced mobile banking system. (Amin et al. 2008) Earlier studies by Luarn and Lin (2005) showed the facilitating the transactions between banks and their customers in mobile banking usefulness. 2.2 DEVELOPMENT OF E-BANKING According to Bob Batchelor (2009), the first conceptualized of E-banking in the mid-1970, when the year of 1985 some banks have been offered E-banking to customers, unfortunately the lack of internet users and the higher cost of electronic banking have stunted growth of online banking. However, in the year 1990 internet explosion lead customer transaction trough online banking. Since 2000, there 80% of U.S. banks offered e-banking and the following the year of 2001, the first bank become the top 3 million online banking which is Bank of America, in 2009 a report by Gartner Group estimated that 47 percent of U.S. adults and 30 percent in U.K. bank online. The Bank Negara Malaysia on the 1st June 2001, formally allowed local commercial banks to offer Internet banking services and in the same year June 15, one of the largest bank in Malaysia, Maybank launched the first Internet banking services. 2.2.1 E-BANKING IN MALAYSIA There is variety of services of Electronic banking (e-banking) technology, from the common such as automatic teller machine (ATM) services, phone banking, and computer banking (PC banking). (Jane M.K. and Janne M.H. and Marianne A.H.,2004). Since 1980s, the first of the emerging electronic banking in Malaysia introducing by Automated Teller Machines (ATM) the following is the Tele-banking and PC-banking in the 1990s.(MD. Arafat and Chaklader and Mohammad, n.d.) Information provided by Bank Info,(2007) to offer internet banking services in Malaysia only for the banking institutions licensed under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA) and the Islamic Banking Act 1983. There are 12 commercial banking and Islamic banks out of a total 25 in Malaysia which currently offering internet banking services As a result, the financial institutions in Malaysia taking the initiatives to enhance the delivery channels via the rapidly growth in technologies. By the way, the important step before end-2004 of introducing the Bankcard to replace magnetic stripe ATM cards. Hence, the ATM machine is being upgraded to MEPS (MAS Electronic Payment System) Cash transactions. This is the good started program to promote to the public and improve the acceptance of E-banking services. More customers would like to select Internet banking and ATM transactions by gaining the acceptance of electronic transaction in Malaysia with now over one million. (Tan Sri Zeti Aktar Aziz, 2003; Chai Lee Goi, 2005) Studies of Chai Lee Goi (2005), Malaysian banks proper understanding and planning for appropriate develop E-banking strategies to achieve successful in the local and global marketplace. According the result of statistic survey of SKMM (2008) showed that household use of internet average time spent around 12 hours per week. The activity on the internet such as to conduct financial delivery channel for three years, in the year of 2005 14.6 percent followed by the 2006 increase to 23.6 percent. The highest percentage compare to previous two years 2008 rise to 31.8 percent. Determined of the three year show that the usage of online transaction increasingly each of the year. List of Banks offering Internet and Mobile Banking services provided by BNM about 24 banking industry enable for internet banking and 10 banking industry offering mobile banking. The popular banks industry by offering internet banking such as Affin Bank Berhad, AmBank (M) Berhad, Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia, CIMB Bank Berhad, Citibank Berhad, Hong Leong Bank Berhad, Maybank, HSBC Bank, Public Bank, RHB Islamic Bank, and OCBC Bank etc. The mobile banking available for: AmBank, Bank Islam Malaysia, CIMB Bank, Citibank, Hong Leong Bank, MayBank and Public Bank etc. 2.2.2 E-BANKING IN REGION According to Parker,(1990) , the adoption of E-banking such as internet is growing in New Zealand. Auckland Savings Bank (ASB) in 1996 was the first bank to offer internet banking services, followed by the ASB subsidiary, BankDirect which was also the first and the only virtual bank. In the late of year 1999 Natinal Bank of New Zealand (NBNZ) and Bank of New Zealand also offer internet banking, followed the last quarter of 2001 there were around 480,000 regular internet users utilizing internet banking facilities to conduct their banking transaction through E-banking.(Christopher Gan et al.,2005) As predicted of Christopher Gan et al. (2005) that the usage of internet banking in New Zealand will continue to grow in the near future and the factor influenced New Zealand customer adoption E-banking such as price, user input, service product characteristics and individual. The E-banking in the USA is one of a wide variety services used by a disparate number of consumer, around 91 percent of US households have a bank account. (Jane M.K. and Janne M.H. and Marianne A.H.,2004 ) In year of 2003, the number of ATM transaction at 902 million per month and the number of debit transaction at 495million per month (EFT Data Book, 2003). The factor determined by Jane M.K. and Janne M.H. and Marianne A.H.(2004) affect USA consumer adopt E-banking which is convenient, compatibility, simplicity, observability and trialability. The study of Philip Gerrard and J.Barton (2003), determined the retail banks in Singapore and their internet banking activities. Retail banks are classified into either local or foreign full license banks by monetary authority of Singapore (MAS), Singapores central bank. The license banks of Singapore are offering the broadest range of financial services delivery through the internet. In the year of 1997 that the first local banks in Singapore namely DBS and UOB offer internet banking services, followed the bigger foreign banks HSBC, Citibank and Standard Charted Bank also provide financial services delivery through interne. There are the several factor affect Singapore adoption towards E-banking such as convenience, accessibility, confidentiality, compatibility, PC proficiency, economic benefits, complex procedures and innovativeness. According to Ali Ahmad, (2006) show that the Pakistan has been among the late entrants into E-banking such as ATM was setup in 1999 and 2000 internet banking was introduced. Pakistani government has already to start working towards created awareness among people for E-banking services (Hanniya abid and Umara Noreen, n.d.). The Ministry of Science Technology has been taking number of measures to promote E-commerce and E-banking in Pakistan (Dr. Shamshad Akthar, 2006). The use of ATM and E-banking products is gaining currency and most of the banks have established, offered by ATM will enhance the customer more alternatives choices to financial transaction services. In the recent years that the E-banking services such as Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Tele Banking, Internet Banking, Credit and Debit Cards etc. have growth effective delivery system in Pakistan (Hanniya abid and Umara Noreen, n.d.). Based on the study of Hanniya abid and Umara Noreen, (n.d.) found the four factors affec t acceptance Pakistan customer towards E-banking follow by usefulness, intention/attitude, ease of use and external variables. Shih and Fang (2004) study that after Taiwan enter into the World Trade Organization (WTO), it also brings foreign banks into Taiwan marketplace. Therefore, banks in Taiwan are facing the competitive in service quality and administrative efficiency. To gain the strengthen of Taiwan banks industry, Taipei Banks has establishment of new communication networks via E-banking such as internet banking, telephone banking and other digital channels. Taiwanese commercial banks have been quick to realize the competitive facing, thus in May 1999 offer E-banking services, such as fund transfer and account summary inquires. An individuals intention to adopt internet banking in Taiwan is determined by three factors: attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. In Youth Market The studies of Barry et al. (2002) show age also a significant factor to internet, the consumer which is aged 18-25 are highest preference for internet banking delivery channel. The younger consumers are more likely to adopt the delivery channels such as internet banking compare to telephone banking, because the lack of face to face contact are less important their think. Lewis and Binghamss (1991) research among aged 16-24 young people have an account at more than one bank. Thus, young people should consider are most inclined to switch financial providers (Meller, 1993). There are some banking industries tend to offer internet banking attract younger generation (Katri, n.d.). The study of Robert, (2007) youth based segmentation in the Malaysian retail banking sector concern with what values influence young consumers preference and adoption of personal e-banking product. Youth can be defining as aged between 15 24 years Lewis and Bungham, (1991) studies. In the paper examines of Robert, (2007) to examine young consumers likelihood by selection of e-banking services which have highest accessibility in Malaysia. The potential of youth in the financial services sector are seen as particularly attractive. According the study of Thomas et al., (2009) examines the youth market as a greater potential in the financial sector. The reason of the author to research youth market is because of the young people have substantial purchasing power thus, many banks are tend to seeking young customer and targeting internet banking into their market. Youth is the largest demographic group in many developed countries and is a highly lucrative segment (Josefowicz, 2003; Solomon, 2007). Thwaites and Vere, (1995) research that the basis for a relationship upon to success getting young customer at early age to introducing the services. 2.3 BENEFIT OF E-BANKING The E-banking service such as internet banking is perfectly beneficial to customers because of the savings in costs, transaction time, and space it offers. Its service conducts quick response to complaints and delivery speed of services. Overall, benefits make easier banking system to customer. (Turban et al. 2000) The appearance of internet has had an important role on the diffusion of electronic banking and it also offers new value to customers (Sara, 2007). As a result, the basic principle of banking services such as security was the potential benefits from electronic delivery channels by increase confidence of the banking public. Consumer may realize the convenience and flexibility of E-banking in meeting their daily payment needs while the use of cash and cheque to be important. The change in consumer behaviour is reflected in the increasing of electronic transaction system in our country. The finding of Marivic, (2009) believe that the bank offers e-banking services can recognize the benefits of e-banking as below: A positive effect on banks profitability to launch electronic banking To providing of banks distinction electronic business is a direct relation between increases of bank customer needs for banking services. The protecting privacy of bank customer and bank by management upon providing banking services through internet. 2.4 INFULENCING FACTOR OF E-BANKING ADOPTION Adoption The study of Rogers and Shoemaker (1971), define that consumers who before ready to adopt product or service go through a process of knowledge, persuasion, decision and confirmation. Adoption is the acceptance and continued use of a product or service. Factor Security Mathew and George (2003) the emerges from the present study is that the general population appears generally satisfied with the technological aspects of the banking industry and that banks in general are concentrating their efforts on security that customer feel are most important. The perception of respondents in the survey of Mathew and George showed the important feedback by the respondent on perception there are 93 percent of the most important dimension followed by security. The study of Volkan, (2009) define that bank sector now build up a new delivery channel for e-banking services such as internet banking. The internet banking service allow customers as well as mange their transaction application, by access to the application system a set of password is require from customer. Therefore, the necessary to take a note at the security on the eradicate fraud in electronic banking. The security program is needed provide by the bank to launch the internet banking services. The banks are responsible to assist the customer in protecting their account safety. Jun and Chai, (2001) identified the one of seventeen underlying dimension of e-banking service quality of customers expectation is security. These a critical factor for changing customer behavior is a feeling of security, and the Estonian bank have been successful in delivering user-friendly solution that is secure. According to Marivic, (2009) have determined the new system of internet banking services is require the ease of access and the security from the new generation. In additional research, appropriate security controls of e-banking products can particularly inclined business to benefit. Overall, internet banking it needs securities. Friends and Relatives Influences In an environment in which there has been a reduction in consumer trust of both organizations and advertising, thus word of mouth (WOM) offers a way to obtain a customer perceptions or action (Bansal and Voyer, 2000). WOM is a process of personal influence, in which interpersonal communications between a sender and a receiver can change the receivers behavior or attitudes (Merton, 1986). Therefore, Tan and Chua (1986) who carry out a study conducted in South East Asia found that third party influences, namely family and friends were the most important influences customer adoption bank selection. Gerrard and Barton (2001) determined the one of the factor in their study which is people influencer grouping, the people being Family, Friend. Barry et al. (2002) studies in the factor most important in encouraging and discouraging adoption of telephone and internet banking, the result showed for internet banking male respondents are more greater emphasis on recommendations from friends and family or from a newspaper. Perceived Usefulness Nima, (2008) define perceived usefulness refer to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance .To test a theory of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989) and examines the factor that influence the adoption and acceptance of the information technology and system of internet; in the banking sector particularly for internet banking (Sara, 2007). Selecting TAM was based primarily on predictive power which is makes the model easy to apply to a different information system device ( Venkatesh and Morris2000; Kleijnen et al, 2004) Thus, TAM provides understandings of the relationship of perceived usefulness(Hanudin Amin,2008 ) Study on the TAM for internet banking by Guriting and Ndubisi, (2006) and the Kleijin et al. (2004) focused on TAM for mobile banking via short message services (SMS). Davis (1989) defined perceived usefulness as theory to which a person believes that using a particular system enhances job p erformance. Overall, Cheong and Park (2005) found that perceived usefulness may influence the intention of online purchase or mobile internet activity. Therefore, Luarn and Lin (2005), who determined

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dark Matter Essay -- essays research papers

There is perhaps no current problem of greater importance to astrophysics and cosmology than that of "dark matter". The controversy, as the name implies, is centered on the notion that there may exist an enormous amount of matter in the Universe that cannot be detected from the light that it emits. The evidence of dark matter is from the motions of astronomical objects, specifically stellar, galactic, and galaxy cluster/supercluster observations. The basic argument is that if we measure velocities in some region, then there has to be enough mass there for gravity to stop all the objects from flying apart. When such velocity measurements are done on large scales, it turns out that the amount of inferred mass is much more than can be explained by the luminous mass. Hence we infer that there is non-luminous matter in the Universe, i.e. there is dark matter. Dark matter has important consequences for the evolution of the Universe. According to standard cosmological theory, the Universe must conform to one of three possible types: open, flat, or closed. A parameter known as the "mass density" - that is, how much matter per unit volume is contained in the Universe - determines which of the three possibilities applies to the Universe. In the case of an open Universe, the mass density (denoted by the Greek letter Omega) is less than unity, and the Universe is predicted to expand forever. If the Universe is closed, Omega is greater than unity, and the Universe will eventually stop its expansion and recollapse back upon itself. For the case where Omega is exactly equal to one, the Universe is delicately balanced between the two states, and is said to be "flat". Dark matter candidates are usually split into two broad categories, with the second category being further sub-divided: baryonic and bon-baryonic. Then, under non-baryonic, hot dark matter (HDM) and cold dark matter (CDM) are its types. Depending on their respective masses and speeds, CDM candidates have relatively large mass and travel at slow speeds (hence "cold"), while HDM candidates include minute-mass, rapidly moving (hence "hot") particles. As leading possible candidates for baryonic dark matter, there are black holes (large and small), brown dwarfs (stars too cold and faint to radiate), sun-size MACHOs, cold gas, dark galaxies and dark clusters, ... ...e seeking them in a Stanford laboratory by watching for radiation as they excite crystals of germanium in a detector, but they haven't detected any yet. Soon they will try an even more exotic search by moving their equipment to an old iron mine 2,400 feet deep in northern Minnesota where one or two WIMPs, if they really exist, might very occasionally make their existence known. The detectors are hockey puck-sized superconducting crystals of germanium and silicon. These pure crystals are cooled to about 500 degrees below zero. A particle hitting a detector disturbs the molecular structure of the crystal and registers as a slight temperature increase. Because WIMPs easily pass through most matter, they can pass through the shields and register a signal. To date, the detectors at Stanford have registered a handful of signals, but an analysis suggests that these were caused by stray particles that originally came from cosmic rays and managed to penetrate the 35 feet of rock over the detectors. The ever-so important question what is dark matter will not be answered tomorrow. More data has to be taken, the theories have to tweaked, and many physicists must continue to work together.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Free Appropriate Public Education Law Essay -- civil rights, specia

FAPE , also known as Free Appropriate Public Education is a law that was passed in during the 1970s, a time in which civil rights for all people were being pushed. FAPE states that special education services and general education services are to be delivered without charge of the family, but of that of the public expense. It is important to recognize that the services should be mandated given by public education and if is is unavailable private services can be provided (Gartin, Murdick & Fowler, p. 54, 2003) Least Restrictive Environment is the principle that to the greatest extent, as pssible and appropriate, students with and without disabilities should be educated in the same setting. This law was passed with 5 key principles. These principles include that placement decisions should have considered general education placement with additional services, in the child’s best interest and individualized, the teachers are aware of the student’s disability and IEP, the services should vary and several should be available, and finally documentation is impotant, especially including rationale for decision making. An IEP, Individualized Education Plan, is the entire plan for an individual student that is going to have any special education services. The plan includes details like short-term and long-term goals, levels of achievement, transition services, assessments, and steps in order to achieve the specific goals that have been determined. The importance of an IEP for a student with a disability is that they are individualized based upon the student’s needs, based upon the work and meeting between parents, educators, skills trainers and more. It is crucial and federally required that that an IEP be reviewed in a metting annually i... ...). Integration of dynamic assessment and instructional conversations to promote development and improve assessment in the language classroom. Language Teaching Research, 17(3), 303-322. doi:10.1177/1362168813482934 Hawaii State Board of Education. (2014). Chapter 60 Provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education for a Student with a Disability. Retrieved from Murdick, N. L., Gartin, B. L., & Fowler, G. A. (2013). Special education law. Pearson Higher Ed. Pikulski, J. J. (1990). Informal Reading Inventories. Reading Teacher, 43(7), 514-516. Scattone, D., Raggio, D. J., & May, W. (2011). COMPARISON OF THE VINELAND ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR SCALES, SECOND EDITION, AND THE BAYLEY SCALES OF INFANT AND TODDLER DEVELOPMENT, THIRD EDITION. Psychological Reports, 109(2), 626-634. doi:10.2466/03.10.PR0.109.5.626-634

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Performance Measurement Essay

Nowadays, businesses operate in an uncertain environment and the managers can never know what will happen in the future (Arnold, 2005). Meanwhile, the economic crisis has turned that world upside down; it is a change for ever. The global economy was changed during the past two decades; because of globalization, the firms are not only trade or invest in the company’s domicile, but also trade or invest in other countries. Then management will face a lot of business risk in global economy. There are many different way to define risk; simply, risks are opportunities to be seized. Risk management identifies risks with new opportunities to increase the probability of positive outcomes and maximize returns. The aim of this essay is identify the global challenges and risks and analyze the techniques available to financial managers to deal with risk when trading or investing in countries outside of the company’s domicile. In the structure, firstly evaluate the current global economic situation and what is the challenge in this global economic situation. Secondly, identify the risks do companies face operation in uncertain global economy. Finally, it will consider and analyze the techniques available to financial managers to deal with risk when trading or investing in countries outside of the company’s domicile. Outline of this essay, It is no doubt that today it is a globalization, however, due to the global economic crisis in 2008, the global economy is uncertainly and unstable. According to Arnold (2005) businesses operate in an uncertain environment and the managers can never know what will happen in the future. The global economy is divided into several situations.The one is low-income countries which CNI per capita of less than $936 and these countries have such serous social, political problems and economic that they represent limited opportunities for operations and investment. The next one is lower-middle-income countries which with a CNI per capita between $938 and $3705, such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The consumer markets countries are increasing rapidly. Then is the upper-middle-income countries which with CNI per capita between $3706 and $11455, Such as Chile, Malaysia, Venezuela. In these countries, they have strong education systems and high literacy rates, although wages are still significantly lower than in the advanced countries, it is rising rapidly. The last one is high-income countries which with CNI per capital higher or equal $11456. Such as Japan, Sweden, United States, Germany. â€Å"â€Å"(Keegan, Creen. 2011) However, the most representatives of current global economy situation are UE, USA, China

Attrition Rate in the Call Center Industry

Attrition has been an evident problem for each brass section due to either asshole of appreciation or lack of correct job sculpting. But what is corrasion? whole put, it is the reduction in the number of employees by retirement, resignation, etc. Attrition affects two things 1) the team spirit of other employees and 2) the financial condition of the organization. The sort chose this topic because we argon greatly arouse in such field. The group is special(a) as to wherefore the invest of perturbation in the title con centralize theatrical performance is high and what is the effect of this to the address reduce organizations.Why do these employees direct their jobs as anticipate circle around agents? Is it because of the unjust compensation that these gossip unions ar providing or is it because birdsong center agents in general are non happy with what they do? We back end steer many conclusions but at the supplant of the day, conducting a research woul d prey us peace of mind. B. Significance of the Study The importation of the study is to be able to give emphasis as to why the put of employee turnover in the call center industriousness is high. The group result only focus on the causes and the effects of attrition in the said industry.The study would come as a guide and would be of great help to call center organizations in maintaining employees in their company. Furthermore, the study would be able to show the importance of the call center industry in the urban center of Manila. C. Problem and Objectives Problem What are the causes Of attrition and how does it affect the call center industry? Objectives To explain what attrition is and its difference from turnover To give emphasis on why call center agents resign To dress the factors of attrition To show how attrition affects the call center industry To present the facts obtained through out the whole research D.Assumption and Hypotheses previse center agents resign fr om their currents posts because they are not pappy with what they do. There will always be that feeling of being unsatisfied and it will always bother them. Some would study to themselves, Why am I doing this when can do so much better. or so fresh graduates or undergraduates who are in need of fast cash book at call centers to have something to do for the mean time but by and by a while, they move on, leaving the organization to find quick replacements at which in the beginning that can do so, the financial position Of the company will be affected.E. background signal and Limitations This study focuses on the cause and touch on of attrition in the call center industry with regard to the turnover rate of employees, why call center agents leave call centers, and how the loss of employees affect these call centers. The study will only garner respondents that are call center agents that are employed within the jurisdiction of the urban center of Manila. F. Definition of Terms Attrition a reduction in the number of employees or participants that occurs when people leave because they resign, retire, etc. And are not replaced Burnout -? physical or amiable collapse caused by overwork or stress Call center an location set up to handle a large volume of telephone calls, especially or taking orders and providing customer usefulness Call center agent -? canonic employee of a call center fee something awarded to someone Customer aid -? provide of service to customers before, during and after a leveraging a series of activities designed to leaven the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation Economy -? consists of the production, dissemination or trade, and consumption of limited goods and operate by different agents in a given geographical location